Galaxy S2 Firmware (FOR GT-I9100 ONLY)
Video of V11.6 (thanks to RaYmunDooo) :
- Copy the rom zip file to internal sdcard
- If you came from AOSP or any Rom other than 4.0.4 base, you MUST WIPE your data
- Flash my rom from Recovery
- Reboot & enjoy, let the phone to boot up, at least 5 minutes to let media scanner finish
- Or from Google Drive Or from Wuala
- JB/ICS Style Reloaded - Jelly Bean Style White (Thanks to Crussader)
- Joel's Blue Theme Port (Thanks to Joel)
- XWLPX Hidden Apps
- Hacked AOSP Email (4.0.4) (if you are switching from stock one you have to remove your account and clear Email/Exchange apps data)
- [MOD] Hacked SIII SVoice (Voice Talk) V1.3
- Enable CRT TV animation
- Stock Lock Screen